Category: Health

Health Low Carb

Low Carb week, Day 6

So day 6 of my little series, Saturday the 13th of December, 2014. (Previous posts in this new series can be found here post #1, post #2, post #3, post #4, post #5) I was about to change the title of this post to High Carb instead of Low Carb but then realized that it wasn’t THAT bad (for […]

Health Low Carb

Low Carb week, Day 3

Another day, another Low Carb day. Wednesday the 10th of December, 2014. (Previous posts in this new series can be found here post #1, post #2) Breakfast I was in a bit of hurry this morning, so no cooking. Just some low carb müsli/cereal. I used to eat normal müsli/cereal a lot in the past but […]

Health Low Carb

Low Carb week, Day 2

Let’s get right to it. Todays meals, actually, yesterdays meal :-) (First post in this new series can be found here post #1) Breakfast As so often I started the day with an omelet for breakfast. This time with 2 eggs with some sweet pepper mixed into it. Some chicken from yesterday, cheese and a fried tomato. […]

Health Low Carb

Low Carb week, Day 1

Since I have been on low carb diet for quiet some time now I thought it would be an idea to share information about what I do eat during a normal week. So for the next week I will do a daily blog entry with photos of the meals and some nutrition information, as well as […]


Health Tracking

Track it I have for quiet some time been tracking exercise, weight, food intake and other health related data. I’m also putting data into a journal, typical me some would say. Putting as much as possible into spreadsheets but that’s just what I like to do ;-) So let me sum up what tools I […]

Health Living Low Carb

Weight loss #3

This series of posts started with the Bet (The bet was that I could loose 5 kg within 2.5 month, and stay below that weight) and then the follow-up after I reached the goal. I can’t continue with Phase #2 #3 as the bet is over and done (Still need to get paid in Pizza […]

Health Living Low Carb

Bet won, phase 1

Weight loss / the bet Early August I did a bet with a friend of mine (see previous post here) that involved me dropping 5 kg in weight. I had until end of October for this. Well, now we are around one month into the bet, so I thought I better give an update. Short […]

Health Living

The bet: 5 kg, 2.5 month or 250 EURO

I’m almost never doing bets, never bet on horses, sport (Just Danish “tip”) or other crazy events but that recently changed. Not that I will be betting on horses from now on but I did a bet with a good friend of mine. It’s pretty simple: The Bet: I have to loose 5 kg in […]

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