Some might have expected that I would write about the ‘Playstation 3 Launch Event’ here in Switzerland just as I did with the Nintendo Wii but that will not happen. World of Games did have a midnight launch event but I didn’t attend.
With Nintendo Wii it made sense to pre-order and even getting in at the launch; as it was hard (impossible) to buy the Wii in the stores for some time. This is just not the case with Playstation 3.
I was in several stores today in Basel and saw Playstation 3 in many of them; and not just one but many of them. I saw one store where they had a Sony booth with a nice big HDTV and great sound but they where showing Blazing Angles when I passed by; not really a game that shows the power of the PS3 but maybe they did show other games.
I do like the amount of different games that are on sale already not that many of them appeal to me but people do have a good variation of games to select between. They might have to find the games under the ‘Xbox 360’ banner as I saw in one store; as if the store didn’t prepare for the games. I had expected the games to be cheaper than Xbox games but only a few titles where cheaper.
So if you want to buy a PS3 here in Switzerland then it is easy. This makes me wonder if Sony knew about how big the demand for the PS3 would be and made sure to ship enough units or maybe there just isn’t a demand!!!
So since I saw a lot of PS3s and obliviously went to look for it the question must be… Did I get one? Answer is “no”. Sure I would like one so I can checkout a few of the games; try some downloadable games; check the folding@home (as one of my friends worked on that project) maybe even buy a Blu-ray movie. For me the price of the PS3 is just too high; at least for the moment. Sure my VISA card could handle; sure it might even handle a HDTV on top so I could really enjoy the PS3 but I’m going to wait. Not that I think it will drop in price in the near future… I just need more reasons; such as more games that appeal to me and also games that are suitable for the kids.
If (when) I do get a PS3 then I will sure share my experience with it. But until then I will continue playing some games on my Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360.